Eleven-year-old Maggie lives in Fennis Wick, enclosed and protected from the outside world by a boundary, beyond which the Quiet War rages and the dirty, dangerous wanderers roam. Her brother Jed is an eldest, revered and special. A hero. Her younger brother is Trig - everyone loves Trig. But Maggie’s just a middler, invisible and left behind. Then, one hot September day, she meets Una, a hungry wanderer girl in need of help, and everything Maggie has ever known gets turned on its head. The Middler had been sat on my imaginary to be read pile for a looooong time. Imaginary because it's full of the books I don't own but have already read reviews of and those that I'm desperate to get my hands on. So when I spotted a copy on offer in Morrisons of all places I snapped it up immediately. The Middler follows the story of Maggie, a middle child (hence The Middler), forever jealous of the eldests - the older children who are sent off to war to help fight...